Sunday, June 4, 2023

Goodbye Tooth Fairy

 It has been an unfortunate amount of time since I last published something.  These last couple of weeks have been full of looking back and cherishing bits and pieces of the past and some traditions we have had that are now at an end. Some of the nostalgia could be from having my 40th birthday approaching, but I think it has more to do with the amazing memories we've already made as a family and some sadness that kids grow up just so fast.

Monkey lost her last tooth this week.  No more baby teeth to be set out for the tooth fairy, no more notes to be exchanged.  See, in this house the tooth fairy takes requests and writes back to the children.

When Smarty was in preschool, way before he lost his first tooth, we received a book by Karma Wilson called "Bear's Loose Tooth."

The Littles in this home loved the story so much, I think every single page is taped back into place from so much reading.  When Smarty lost his first tooth he did what Bear did in the story - put it on a plate and expected blueberries.  The tooth fairy delivered.  And the tooth after that, and the tooth after that.  Then one child, I can't recall which child it was, wondered what would happen if they asked the tooth fairy for something besides blueberries.  So they wrote out a letter and found out that the tooth fairy did what they could to fulfill the request plus also write back and answer questions posed in the letters.  

 It has been learned that the tooth fairy looks different to different people; they appear pink to some, blue to others, to still others green.  The tooth fairy has a pet pacu (look it up if you dare...) and it has been discovered that even the magic of fairies can't make fruit grow out of season sometimes. We've had dragonfruit, kiwi, strawberries, pineapple, cherries, just so many different kinds of fruit. 

 When Monkey discovered her last loose tooth a few months ago she held on to it; she didn't want to be done with being little, she didn't want some of the magic to end.  A trip to the dentist for a routine cleaning made her think differently though.  The tooth needed to come out.  So she set to work and out it came a few days ago.  

What followed was some crying at youth lost, Mom and Dad reminding her that she's still pretty young and there's no rush to grow up, and figuring out what to ask the tooth fairy to bring this last time.  I have to admit, watching her write this last letter made my tear up a bit.  Just so many feels.

It's crazy to think of the amount of fruit, the letters, and excitement that has happened in this home because a story touched a little boy and it grew from there into this significant part of these children's lives.  I am so touched by these curious and caring creatures we're lucky enough to call ours.