Monday, July 22, 2024

New Beginnings

 We are 2 weeks into our time in Yellowknife!  :)  It has been a very busy time so far, but that will be settling down soon.  The truck with our furniture actually arrived the same day we did, so they unloaded our stuff the same day we took possession of the house.  That was amazing.  

The next day the unpackers came and we started finding homes for all of our thing.  We are still finding homes for all of our things, but at least now everything is out of boxes.  Mostly.  To keep kids busy, we got some of them involved in putting things together and organising their rooms. 

Painting started pretty much right away.  We have learned from past experience that we have to get things done right away after a move instead of making a list for later.  Making lists only sometimes works and most often leads to nothing getting finished.  So we have been a lot more busy than we normally would be with house things.

Lots of walls have been painted.

A replacement fence/gate has been built.
 And exploration of the rocks, both near the house and short drives away, has been happening.

Unfortunately, that grey is all smoke.  It's been a very smokey time here so far :(

We arrived here just in time for an air demonstration by the Snowbirds and the Skyhawks!  That was really cool.  Turns out Hubby worked with one of the current Skyhawks and was able to briefly connect with them too.  Such a small world.

Lots of painting was done outside too.  The fence/gate that Hubby and Smarty built, the front porch, the back deck, and the wooden chairs the boys put together.  Everyone pitched in and made it go much faster.

Monkey has discovered that she loves the geography of the area; she loves climbing on the massive rocks that are interspersed with everything else.  Our neighbours gave us their old basketball hoop that will definitely be used.  We have taken a look at a couple of museums here, and have explored so many streets things are starting to become familiar.  All in all, I feel everyone is settling in pretty well so far.