Sunday, October 13, 2024

Giving Thanks

    This is Thanksgiving weekend. In our minds we revisit past weekends spent with friends and food; last year when dear friends drove out to see us, years on the east coast with people we wouldn't have met if the military hadn't put us all there at the same time, years in the congregation and at the seminary with wonderful people brought together by shared faith and value.

    With new places always come new people. I'm grateful for new and emerging friendships that we are finding here. Transitions after a move are hard sometimes and while we celebrate new people to be grateful for we also mourn and miss being close with those we love in other parts of the country. We give thanks for connections and community found in ever place we've landed.

    I give thanks for a roof over our head and food in our tummies. For the friendships the Littles have with each other and the support they find within our home. We are a family of dandelions, we bloom where we land.

    I am grateful for games we've been introduced to that create memories of warmth and laughter that we can share with others. We have passed some favourites along, we have picked up new ones, making new memories layered on top of old memories each time.

    I give thanks for random connections made through activities, for conversations with other parents during volleyball or archery, for opportunities to explore archery in the north, and for the chance to grow both personally and professionally in so many facets.

    I am grateful for technology and that with it connections over distances are so much easier to maintain. These moves would be much more lonesome and the solo parenting would exponentially more challenging without the tether of tech that makes staying in touch so much easier.    

    I am grateful for hobbies that keep my hands busy when my soul is anxious and keep those I love warm. I was sitting on the bed this afternoon, looking at the blanket on it that I had crocheted, trying to remember how old it was because it's starting to fray and there are some fibres breaking from use. I started making the blanket when Hubby was on tour and it has been used every day since I finished it. I am grateful for the friends and family that saw us through that deployment and for the safe homecoming when it was done.

    I give thanks for expression of emotion through music. The playlists we've had on repeat (always eclectic) and the ability to sing/hum/meditate to the sounds have been healing for us all. As well this week we were blessed to attend the ordination of two new deacons in the Anglican Church here and the hymns were like a balm to my soul. Music is therapy.

    I give thanks for the furballs in the home. Their presence sometimes feels more like a burden than a blessing, but these Floofs have been a life saver for the emotions and anxieties of the Littles. They cuddle when the Littles are feeling down or rough, they boost the mood when things are feeling a bit on the low side. Hubby was away for a week and the canines managed to sneak onto the bed with me in the middle of the night so I wasn't lonely. The Littles tend to hang out on the bed too when Hubby is away too; I suspect they don't realize it, but they also try to help me not feel lonely when Hubby is away. <3    

    There are so many things to be grateful for. So I give thanks.