Friday, March 18, 2011


Well, the week is nearly done and we're all working through our assorted troubles...

Hubby has the cold Boy2 affectionately shared with him, so that's three with colds (either nose or throat or both). The Boy is still holding strong, but hasn't been napping or sleeping well, so he's battling fatigue.

The Girl gave me one night this week where she actually slept three hours in her own bed, so that was an improvement... But then she made up for that again last night where she just wanted to sleep on my chest. Again.

So my foe is fatigue as well. (knock on wood the cold won't get me!) Fatigue and time. Not near enough hours in the day. Hindsight being what it is, I probably should have taken up my friend's offer to come over and watch the kids while I sewed yesterday afternoon, but there were other things that seemed more pressing at that moment and I wasn't certain how my finished product was going to look.

Now I have it mostly pinned, but I need to sew and tie it. There is also a cake cooling on the counter that needs to be prepped and iced. And a fridge to organize so there will be room for said cake. All not being done currently because my Girl needs to be held (see paragraph 2). Oh well. It will all get done.

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