Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Finally an Update!

I know it's been a month since the last time I posted anything, it's been pretty busy here and by the time I think "Hey, I should write something" I'm tired and all I want is sleep.

The boys are nearly done their swimming lessons and are absolutely loving it!  We have them signed up for more in January :)  Poor Girl wants to take them too, but we'll wait maybe another year before we get her into them.  We've started working on the idea that a soother is just for sleeping for her, and I'll maybe start toilet training her in the new year.  She is already aware of what her body is doing, so I hope it won't take as long as her brothers did.  She has a clean bill of health, though, and her personality is one to be reckoned with!

The Boy is thriving in school (but that isn't a surprise!) and he's reading and writing with more confidence every day.  It's neat to see the random pieces of paper scattered through the house that he's written on.  I came across one yesterday that said "When plates push against each other they can force the rock up in folds forming huge mountain ranges.  Oh. Why yes sir." (this punctuation is exactly as he wrote).  I asked him if he was learning about plates in school, and he said the he read it in his Earth book.  So he's grasping the concepts of what he's reading, not just saying the words.  He also read "Mortimer" a while back and laughed when he got to the part about him having 17 brothers and sisters :)  He was starting to speed through some of his math, so I'm working with him to reenforce the idea that it's better to be accurate than fast.  We're working with lego to go over the addition and subtraction, and to review the tactics his teacher has introduced.

Something else that is exciting is that Boy2 is recognizing and calling out letters he sees.  "Mom, that's an M.  There's a T."  He's started his preschool work book that is working on letter forming and sounds.  He can't wait until he can read too!  Because the Boy was further behind in his speech than Boy2, it's really neat for me to see and hear about what is happening in the preschool.  He had his first birthday invitation (wasn't able to go, but it was exciting to get it!), and every day we check the mail, he's disappointed that he doesn't get a letter.  So if anyone wants to write the kids, I'll make sure they write back :) 

Girl2 just had her 6 month check up (wow, time flies!) and tomorrow she'll get her 6 month immunizations.  She's 16lbs, 5oz, and about 26.5 inches long.  She's by far the smallest six month old baby we've had, but she's doing very well.  She's strong, rolls from her tummy to her back and vice versa, leg and tummy muscles get a workout constantly, and she's babbling and laughing right along with the rest of the clan.  She loves when her brothers are silly for her, all I can hear is baby laughter which never fails to make me smile!

Last weekend we moved the kids around a little bit.  The boys are now in what was the Girl's room, and both girls are now in what was the boys' room.  The Girl is in a toddler bed (she's only fallen out of it once) and she really likes being able to look across and see her sister sleeping.  She also like being able to get in and out her bed all by herself.

The house is all decorated, there's been some baking done (although it's mostly gone already), and there'll be more baking to do.  It's difficult to believe that we're just under three weeks away from Christmas already!

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