Friday, February 16, 2018

There is always so much that goes on, with lulls in between. Go, go, go, with some downtime to recharge and reset.

We have come up against strep throat, big feelings, talk of self-discipline and prayer, lots of cuddling, lots of reading.

The boys and Daddy are really enjoying playing on and exploring the X Box we got for Christmas this year. Girlie is excited to play too, and to learn the controls and plots of the games she feels comfortable playing, and Monkey has decided that it is boring and needs to watch Netflix while the others are playing on it in the basement. Good thing she has parents who think that's a pretty good idea too.

A couple weeks ago Smarty brought the Lego bin up out of the basement and there was so much creating and playing. And little, itty, bitty Lego pieces all over the floor. But it was worth the injury hazard to watch that imagination and creativity. Monkey built and then had some imaginary play. Animals, creatures, people, had some pretty neat adventures.

I am nearing the end of my year-long online course, and am surprised sometimes that the day to day stuff gets done! But I have amazing support from Hubby, and a few (repetitive) conversations with the kids, reminding them that Mommy doesn't have the same time o get things done as before and it is important that they follow instructions when needed. And it wouldn't hurt to have them do a few things without being asked... but that's something that takes practice and repetition anyways.

I have a few pictures I am going to post. Archery is up and running, a couple from over the holidays.

She was thrilled when Daddy was able to get away from work to watch her Christmas concert! 

First band concert playing the alto saxophone! They really did have a lot of fun.

 First archery tournament is all finished! We got the scoring back last week and Sergeant did fantastically well!

Best part of finally having snow!

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