Monday, April 13, 2020

Happy Easter!

It has been a really nice Easter weekend for us :)  The weather has been all over the place; sunny, cloudy, super cold wind, and snow... But it has been good to go out for our walks every day just the same.  We painted the living room window all sorts of colours, we made some chocolate eggs as we do every year.  We took the littles out for a drive to deliver some of them and just to get out of the house for a couple of hours.  It was a gorgeous, if chilly, afternoon when we went out and everyone was in very good humour!  It isn't easy for this social crew to stay cooped up all the time, but we are doing our best to maintain distance.
Feature window from the outside.
A secret note left for Momma to find during paint clean up.

Beautiful decorating effort by all the Kids>
Saturday brought quite a bit of baking.  I found myself unable to sleep early in the morning so I got up and started baking.  Bread and buns, because it's been a while and I wanted some fresh buns for supper over the weekend.  Then I had promised Girlie that we would make "bunny buns" like we have often done over Easter in the past, but that she recalled making with my mother a few years ago when we had been down visiting them once.  So we did that in the afternoon and they are nearly all gone now too!
We usually make the twisted bunnies and attempted "little bun buns" this time too. Didn't look terrific but they still tasted great!
 While I was working on those, Hubby directed the egg colouring. There was a wide range of artistic expression displayed, and all of the monsters had fun with Dad.
There was a Charlie Brown one, Pikachu, a few "people", a bunny, and some randomness.
Sunday morning saw lots of chocolate! We have been doing Home Church online with a few friends scattered in various places, and it was wonderful to be able to see and worship with them all through the sugar highs of children.  We are certainly blessed to be able to have a community of faith through the distances of country and pandemic.
After lunch, Hubby and I hid some eggs in the backyard for the crew to find.  All had sugar, some had scripture in them.  Their task afterward was to put together the story that we had gone over in pieces over the last few days and they did that, reading it all for the parents.  My heart was very full as I listened and helped the youngest with some of her reading. 
We went for a walk later in the afternoon, and then Hubby and I made supper.  Delicious chicken Alfredo.  Because it was still so bright and sunny we went for a drive, just because, and it made us smile listening to the kids talk, sing, and laugh with each other while we absorbed the setting sun and took the round about way home.

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