Monday, February 21, 2011

sing along

My kids are growing up. Now, I know that's not exactly a news flash, nor are they ready to move out, but there are those precious moments where I can see their character forming and get the tiniest glimpses of their more grown-up selves.

Yesterday, we drove into Edmonton to visit the Peanut Butter and Jelly part of our family (they blog here, but I think I've mentioned that before). On our way in the Guess Who played oin the radio "Running Back to Saskatoon". My boys absolutely LOVE the Guess Who. The CD's are in the stereo right now. As soon as the boys heard the opening chords, they got really excited and started singing and singing.

When we got in, the first thing they said was "Guess Who was playing! Guess Who was playing!" Aunty Jelly started trying to guess who was on the radio until we said "No, it was the group Guess Who."

When we left and got back into the truck, they Boy asked if Spruce Grove was after Atcheson (he's becoming more aware of distance and the purpose of maps). Then every once in a while, he'd ask if we were in a certain place yet.

Boy2 was singing along to the radio, the Girl was sleeping, but my Boy was looking around and making sure we were going the right way.

Nearly every morning, I have to disappoint my kids. They rush down, hoping to find relatives sleeping on the futons, or ask if today is when their cousins are coming. It's heartbreaking, really. There was a truck parked across the street that looked alot like a friend of ours' so the Boy sat on the chair, waiting for the friends to come in. Even after I told him it was a truck for the neighbours and not us, he was convinced that it was a matter of mintures before these friends would walk through the doors.

Today, however isn't a disappointment. After lunch we have a birthday party and then supper with friends. The only disappointment was that we couldn't have lunch right after supper!

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