Yesterday was pretty fantastic. Palm Sunday, the beginning of an awfully long week for pastors and their families. We gathered in the narthex, and the palms were given out to everyone. A prayer, a reading (Jesus' entry into Jerusalem) and then we entered the sanctuary singing. As people entered, they fanned out to their pews, still singing. It was the first time this congregation had done it this way, and I could tell that it moved them. There was also special music from one of the schools' handbell choir. Always a pleasure to hear! (It completely enthralled all of my kids! They absolutely LOVE music!)
Speaking of music, Boy2 certainly has a one track mind. Every time he wakes up, he asks for his ukulele and then he asks for the stereo to be turned on. Then he starts jamming away. Then he puts it down, big brother picks it up, then the chase is on. Oh, the Noise!
My little Girl (I think) has pretty much perfected the bum skootch. She's liking her exersaucer less and less in favour of just sitting on the floor. She reaches, pulls herself an inch forward, sits up, then repeats. She goes places and finds lots of "yummy" things to put into he mouth. I'm going to have to be a bit more diligent in keeping the floor clean now, until she's out of this phase!
The Boy is doing something unexpected. He keeps bringing me his stuffies that have ribbons around their necks (some that he's had since he was a baby and has always loved) and he's asking me to take the ribbons off. I know the ribbon is just for cutesy, but it's kinda sad that he's "outgrowing" it.
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