Monday, April 30, 2012

a bit of this...

Well, it's been a busy time.  We made our way south for a few days, saw some family, experienced a bit of spring :).  The kids have been busy, busy, busy.  Growing in understanding and attitude.  I've said before and will likely say again and again how impressed I am with the Boy and his learning from school.  Constantly amazed.  He sat down and read me three new books that he'd never picked up before!  I'm very pleased that he (and all of them) have a love of reading and that it's showing through how quickly he's picking up the concept of reading actual words.

It's making Boy2 anxious to start school so he can lean all this stuff too!  I'm being asked "When is it my school day?"  So I let him know that after the Boy turns 6 and around the time the Girl turns 2 will be his first school day.  It'll be pre-school, but school none-the-less.  The personalities of these kids is amazing.  All three so different, yet similar.  They all look so different from each other as well, it's little wonder they are so different.  But here are a few pictures we took.  I am going to try and print some off to frame for us and various grandparents.  Hopefully in the next day or two...  If I can motivate!

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