Sunday, January 26, 2014

Teleportation and follow the leader

Many of you may have experienced this.  Either with children or with pets.  For some unknown reason, you cannot be in the bathroom with the door closed.  I've given up when I'm home alone with the girls.  This morning it wasn't me that was interrupted.  It was Hubby.  In the ensuite.

Now he'd already been in there for a bit and no one noticed.  Then I went into our room to see if I could convince Monkey to have an early morning nap since she'd decided that 4:30 was a good time to start her day.  So I laid down with her, Sergeant wanted to lay beside me too and hear me sing, then Girlie came into the room too.

"Mom, where's Daddy?"
"In the bathroom." I say
She turns and bangs on the door "Dad, are you in there?"
"Nope" Dad replies.
"Daddy, what are you doing in there?"
"What do we do in the bathroom, Girlie?"
"Go pee and poop.  Are you peeing and pooping, Daddy?"
"Nope, I'm not in here"
She starts banging on the door even louder and harder.  Sergeant starts laughing and decides to join her.  So they are hitting the door, kicking, I'm reminding them to be gentle so the door doesn't break, Hubby is trying to convince them that there isn't, in fact, a secret tunnel leading out from the bathroom to parts unknown.  They eventually lose interest and decide to play in the bathtub in the other bathroom.  (I seriously don't see the draw to playing in a dry bathtub, but they can't seem to get enough of it).  When Hubby comes out of the bathroom he looks around, glances into the other bathroom.  Then he comes back into the bedroom, closes door to the ensuite, and lays down on the bed, back to the door.  A minute later Sergeant comes back into the bedroom, sees the door to the bathroom shut and tries to open it again.  Of course this time he's successful, but the light is off and there's no one in there so he closes the door and looks confused.  Hubby turns and asks who he's looking for.  The look on Sergeant's face was priceless!  "You teleported!?"

They go back out to tell Smarty what Daddy had done and while they were doing that, Hubby closed the door of the bathroom again, and this time hid on the floor on the far side of the bed.  They came back, looked int the bathroom, on the bed, in the other bathroom, starting to go down the hall, looking in bedrooms, and just as Hubby went to see if they were far enough away to let him hide someplace they'd already looked, they came back and saw him in the hallway.  "Daddy, where'd you go?"

And this turned into follow the leader.  Smarty and Sergeant followed right behind Hubby wherever he went, so he led them outside.  But they didn't go outside, they closed the door on him instead and came back to tell me, while chuckling to themselves, that they shut Daddy outside of the house.  Then they left him in the spare room downstairs.  It was a fun morning!

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