Wednesday, July 16, 2014

and again

I have been so slack on updating here!  Good news is that we've been busy, enjoying sunshine when we have it, baking and crafting when we don't.  Hubby's dad  and step mom came out for a visit the first part of this month so we took a break from regular life for a little while and did some more sight seeing.  back to Peggy's Cove, this time watching a fog bank roll in, various parks and beaches, and three days in Prince Edward Island.  That was such a fun trip!  We loved, loved, loved it. It'll likely be a regular trip for as long as we find ourselves in Nova Scotia.

The boys finished off their school year strong.  For the last few weeks of school they did an alphabet countdown.  Each day was a different letter, so they had "wish day" for w and wrote down a wish, g was wearing green, i was for ice cream.  They had fun with it :)

Girlie is excited to have only one more year until she's in kindergarten, and she's practicing her letters.  She's getting really really good too.  She writes her name pretty well, and her fine motor skills are incredible!  Yesterday she was practicing being a civil engineer.  Grabbed a box and made herself a kitty house out of it, figuring our what to do to prevent it from falling down.

Monkey is really good at being a monkey.  In the last month or so though her speaking has really picked up!  I can sort of understand her and she is liking being understood more.  She's also becomming more affectionate with Daddy.  There are times it gets weird, simply because no one is used to her being this way.  This morning she gave Dad a hug before he left the living room to go to the door, again at the door, as soon as he was out the door she ran to give him another, he had to come back after putting his bag in the car to give her another one.  And another one.  Very cute.  Good thing he's learned to give himself plenty of time so these extra hugs don't make him late for work!

We have been busy with other things as well.  We received word a while ago that our landlords are posting back and we'd need to find other lodging, so we are moving at the end of this month.  Slowly packing and cleaning, culling and sorting.  Last night Hubby dropped off our extra crib (we have no one in a crib now!!  Eek!) to a friend who had twins a couple months ago.  Sad to see it go, glad it's still getting used.  Came across our two snugglies, two baby gates, a couple prenatal books.  Those are going to have to either find new homes or be recycled somewhere.

The three older children are at VBS this week.  To take advantage of it and to use it as motivation, I have been doing more, telling myself that the time frame is just what I need to get stuff done.  Monday I moved the oven and the fridge and washed under/behind them, washed the floor, did some laundry, made bread.  Yesterday I got groceries, packed a box from the kitchen, made a cookie bar (so, SO yummy!).  Today I am packing up what I hope will be the last of the books, the winter stuff, more laundry, and maybe some board games.  I want to pack the craft things but I'm pretty sure we'll be using them quite a bit in the next two weeks.

So if anyone would like our new mailing address, I can email it to you.  It's in a different school zone, but I have filled out the cross boundaries to keep the boys in the same school.  It just means that I'll be driving the boys to school everyday instead of walking.  And with Girlie in preschool three mornings a week this fall I will be doing more driving.  But that's alright.  There's a putting green in our new back yard, a clothes line, and fewer toilets to clean.  And the way that the interior is set up it's going to be great for entertaining.  As much as we don't want to have to move, it'll be good to get set up again, see how furniture will work best in the new space.  More changes, but enough that will stay the same so it won't be a huge adjustment.

Enough for now.  Thanks to those patient people who put up with my extremely infrequent posting.  Again, I will try to keep up better but know that I will get it eventually ;)

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