Thursday, April 28, 2011

Sock Wars!

We've had a fun afternoon. Daddy came home at nap time and was able to spend the afternoon with us, so there was alot of noise coming from Chez Macintyre today!

Between being told that they NEEDED the computer on so they could watch music was the beginning, and it ended with us all watching video on demand previews before bed. In between there was chasing, hiding, finding, screaming, and a sock war. That's right. Sock War.

Hubby was taking a break upstairs on the bed with the Boy on the floor beside it. I was called up, so I sat there with the Girl (of course Boy2 came up as well. He has to be in on everything). The Boy stood up and touched Daddy's foot, then pushed it away, saying it was a stinky foot. Then he had the idea to take the sock off. So between the two boys Daddy's socks came off in spite of the giggle-fest.

Then the Boy started talking about stinky feet, so Daddy took the socks off of Boy2 (since he was conveniently there) and threw them at the Boy. Off socks came and they flew across the bedroom in a flurry! So fun to watch!

Than Daddy took off downstairs and the chase ensued (what better way to get children to follow you than to run away from them?). When he came back upstairs, he hid in the closet to be found by my clever boys! Then raced back downstairs and then up again. Daddy fwomped on the bed. Then we heard a giggle followed by the sound of three-year-old feet and the sound of the closet door closing.

"Daddy, I'm hiding! Come find me in the closet!" I don't think he quite grasps the concept yet:)

So we play at that for a few minutes then we come downstairs to find the Boy in the mini-eggs! What he said? "I found it with my good sniffer!" And then when Hubby and I laughed at that, he said "Yep! I'm so smart!" He's by far too clever for his own good.

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